$42,700 raised!
Winters Farm to School Board Members, Cathy Olsen, Carolyn Vocelka, Patty Rominger, Gloria Lopez and Emarie VanGalio, presented the...

Save the date for Winters Farm to School Summer Fundraiser
There is a new name and date for the Winters Farm to School annual summer fundraiser. This year a Summer Solstice Feast will be held on...

Kids Farmer’s Market
With smiles from all involved, festive decorations handmade by Principal Moffitt, and more volunteers than ever before, the Kids Farmer’s...

Why Having A Farm To School Program Helps Our School Kids
The 2017-2018 School Year is underway. While our school children are busy filling their minds with new information, our school district’s...

Winters Farm To School 6th Annual Bastille Day Feast A Huge Success
The Winters Farm to School Sixth Annual Bastille Day Feast, held on Saturday, July 8th, was their largest feast yet. Held at the historic...

Winters Farm To School Chosen To Be Honored At Second Annual California Nonprofits Day Celebration
On Wednesday, June 28, Winters Farm to School was honored as a Nonprofit of the Year at a celebration of California Nonprofits Day at the...
6th Annual Bastille Day Feast
Winters Farm to School is hosting its 6th Annual Bastille Day Feast on Saturday, July 8, 2017. The feast is Winters Farm to School’s...