Angelika Corchado, Regional Community Benefit Associate with the Sutter Health Sacramento Sierra Reg

Angelika Corchado, Regional Community Benefit Associate with the Sutter Health Sacramento Sierra Region, visited our elementary school on May 26, 2015 to learn more about our Winters Farm to School program. Mrs. Corchado was delighted to see all of the fresh, local foods we were serving that day and commented that "she sure didn't see these kinds of healthy foods served at the schools she attended when growing up." Surrounded by kindergarteners, Corchado was able to ask the children if they enjoyed eating all the fruits and vegetables served at school. With a resounding "yes" from the children, Corchado saw first-hand how directly our program serves our children-- local funds raised to purchase healthy foods from local farmers -- all directly benefitting our children, our farmers, our community and our local economy. Sutter Davis is a generous sponsor of our 2015 Bastille Day Feast and sponsored our 2014 Feast as well.