The Big Day of Giving
For the first time, Winters Farm to School will participate in the Big Day of Giving (BDOG). BDOG, a 24 hour online fundraising event, will be held on May 4th. Fundraising to feed local kids local foods, Winters Farm to School hopes to raise $10,000. Winters Farm to School is an all volunteer organization, so all of the monies raised from BDOG will directly benefit our community’s children. First, funds will be used to purchase fresh fruits, nuts and produce for our school district’s school meal programs; second, seeds, trees and benches will be purchased for the gardens at Waggoner and Rominger Schools; and third, funds will help support the Kids Farmers Market which serves over 170 students at Waggoner School every week.

From left to right, Waggoner School students, Evelyn Jordan, Abigail Carrion, Hector Vasquez, Cheyanne Larsen, enjoy a fresh carrot as part of their school lunch while wearing their favorite Spring hats!
Those wishing to donate to Winters Farm to School can participate in BDOG by going online to At this site you may schedule gifts today for the May 4th event or donate on the Big Day of Giving, May 4th.