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6th Annual Bastille Day Feast

Winters Farm to School is hosting its 6th Annual Bastille Day Feast on Saturday, July 8, 2017. The feast is Winters Farm to School’s signature event and has become a favorite summer fundraiser for this area.

In partnership with the UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences, the feast will return to the historic Wolfskill Ranch where 200 guests will be seated at one, long table beneath the canopy of olive trees lining the drive. Guests will enjoy a multi-course feast with food and drink donated by Yolo County farmers, wineries and breweries. It truly is a celebration of the rich agricultural heritage in our county.

Tickets for this year’s feast are $100 if purchased before June 1st and $125 after June 1st. Tickets are available at ACE Hardware on Main Street or on line at

Winters Farm to School started in 2011. It grew out of the desire to see healthier foods, locally grown, served in our school cafeterias. The idea of a feast, using and celebrating foods grown by Yolo County farmers, seemed like the perfect way to raise funds.

Since Winters Farm to School is an all-volunteer effort, all monies raised at the feast go toward three important programs. First, funds are used to purchase fresh fruits, nuts and produce for our school meal programs. Over 1,000 meals are served per day in our school cafeterias and for each meal, healthy choices are served. These healthier meals boost our children’s health and well-being and help our local farmers too!

Second, funds are used to support our school district’s participation in the Kids Farmers Market. Offered every Tuesday afternoon at Waggoner School and in partnership with the Yolo Food Bank, over 170 children receive a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains to take home and prepare with their families. This year, Winters Farm to School funded a Market Coordinator to ensure that the market continued to flow smoothly.

Third, funds are used to support the gardens at Rominger and Waggoner Schools. This year, benches, irrigation supplies, aluminum horse troughs, soil, tools and seeds were purchased for both gardens with a $2,000 grant given by Winters Farm to School. The gardens are an outdoor classroom where our children learn how to grow their own food. It has been a fun way for kids to learn.

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Winters Farm to School is a 501C3 nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health and long-term well-being of students in the Winters Joint Unified School District by providing fresh, local produce, nuts and fruits for their school food programs.

© 2014 Winters Farm to School. Created with Wyman Design

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