Winters Farm to School Receives Educational Excellence Award
Winters Farm to School received a Partners in Educational Excellence Award presented by the Association of California School Administrators Region 3 at their Annual Awards Banquet held on May 14, 2018 in Sacramento. Cathy Olsen and Patty Rominger, founding Members of Winters Farm to School accepted the award on behalf of the Winters Farm to School. Winters School District Superintendent, Todd Cutler, Principal Greg Moffitt and Micah Studer, Manager of Information Technology with the school district also attended the awards ceremony representing both Yolo County and the Winters Joint Unified School District.
“Winters Farm to School was recognized for the outstanding work they do to boost the health and well-being of students in our school district,” said Cutler. “Other school districts look to Winters Farm to School as their model for how to implement a sustainable farm to school program. It amazes me that a handful of community volunteers started Winters Farm to School eight years ago and it has grown into a non-profit that donates over $60,000 per year to our schools here in Winters.”
Principal Moffitt added “We are so fortunate to have Cathy Olsen as our Food Services Director. Using the funds raised by Winters Farm to School, she purchases fresh fruits and vegetables from nine Yolo County farms. Cathy and her staff do an amazing job to not only prepare and serve healthy school meals, but they use every meal as an opportunity to teach our children about why health eating habits are so important for their long-term health and well-being. And it’s working. Kids are eating their fruits and vegetables and asking for more! This program has really been good for our students.”
Winters Farm to School raises funds at their annual summer fundraiser. This year’s event will be a Summer Solstice Feast on Saturday, June 23rd at the historic Wolfskill Ranch in Winters. The multi-course, family-style feast features foods donated by Yolo County farmers and wines donated by Yolo County wineries. Since Winters Farm to School is an all-volunteer effort, all of the monies raised at the feast go to our local schools.
Tickets are on sale now for $125 per person. Tickets can be purchased at ACE Hardware on Main Street, on line at or by calling 530-795-6109.